Thursday, February 11, 2010

Maxwell House and Velveeta House Party is taking applications!


Here is another House Party opportunity!  Now, this one is an interesting is Maxwell House and Velveeta!   

Celebrate the arrival of spring with a brunch for your friends full of delicious coffee, new recipes, and entertaining tips. Not only will it be loads of fun — every partygoer will get a delicious start on all of their spring holiday and special occasion entertaining.
On March 20th, you'll gather your friends and family to savor fabulous dishes made with creamy, cheesy VELVEETA and enjoy the full-flavored goodness of MAXWELL HOUSE coffee that's a must for every brunch. Then everyone will swap recipes and share stories about your favorite spring traditions.
If selected as a host, you'll receive a party pack with FREE goodies to make your brunch a success. So spring into action and don't miss out on a fun time filled with entertaining ideas, recipes, a fabulous brunch, and much more.
Spring is just around the corner and spaces are limited. So…

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