My Publix trip this week was pretty good. I did forget to grab the Egg Beaters eggs...actually forgot to put them on my list before I went but otherwise we are getting really good about doing the deals on the list and sticking to purchasing sale offers and combining them with coupons. Don't forget to pick up some of those Betty Crocker brownies!!! Yummilicious!
My highlight....the cashier recognizes me and at the end she grabs the receipt and says, "Let me see..Let me see your savings!"...I loved it...I told her that some people get a
High from drugs...mine is from Coupons! I left Publix
High as a kite!
This week I paid: $40.48
Savings: $130.89
Is there a photo of your haul!!
I had a very tired little girl so I did not take a photo this time...I promise to on the next trip!
Don't you just love when you can inspire the checkout people as well! That's awesome!
I do! I love the thought of someone else getting a great deal too!
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