Sunday, April 11, 2010

Sunday Sharing because we should be Frugal with Our money but not with our Hearts, Love or Compassion for Others

This Sunday, I wanted to share with you an organization that has touched the hearts and lives of some many simply by wrapping them in love and prayers.  I am talking about Love Quilts.  This first time I heard of Love Quilts was when I received an email letting me know that they had learned of my daughter's illness and that they wanted to send a Love Quilt to her.  They were afraid that Savannah did not have the time to wait for a quilt that was specially designed for her as they make for many children because her liver disease was progressing so they quickly made her one from squares that they already had handy specifically for "emergency" cases.  Soon after an email asking for my address was sent I had forgotten about the generous offer...afterall, my child was chronically ill with a disease that could have taken her life.  One day I simply received a box on my front door with a beautiful quilt in it....a Love Quilt.

Just days after receiving this beautiful quilt with squares that had been stitched from all over the world our Sweet Savannah was of the first things I grabbed for our hospital bag was our Love Quilt.  The thought that this special quilt was made with so much love was something that I wanted to wrap my baby in.  Everytime we headed to the hospital our quilt came with us. 

Today, Savannah is 3 and her Love Quilt is wrapped around her on many occasions but mostly when I tuck her in to her home.  You see even when she is not in a hospital bed...I love the thought of my little girl wrapped in love.
To learn more about this amazing organization please visit them HERE.
If you have a child whom you think could benefit from a Love Quilt please go HERE.

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