Tuesday, October 12, 2010

No Liquid Gold, Pit Bulls, and Rain {My Ramblings...}

I do recall my husband telling me the time this morning but I think I kinda ignored him as I tried to rollover in bed...so when I schlepped downstairs I heard the dogs barking like crazy and couldn't figure things out.  I haven't had a single drop of liquid gold and they are barking like crazy...this is so unlike them.

My hubby tells me that the neighbors dogs are loose.  The neighbors have a fence that is rotting on the side and the dogs got out and that explained my dogs barking since they were in our yard.  The barking stopped but I thought we should go to the front yard with the dogs and let them tinkle just in case...I stood outside to keep an eye out for loose dogs and my hubby was quick (our dogs are always walked on leashes so they are easy to control).....what I didn't know was that the loose dogs were pit bulls.

We have had dogs cut through our yard before it is not a daily occurrence but it happens but every one I have seen always runs away when I try to catch it to read the tags and usually within a few minutes you hear the owner calling for them.  This morning I saw the dogs on another street behind my house and another neighbors but we made eye contact and they starting running towards me not away....

I looked at my front door and for a split second thought to run but I knew they were too fast and I wouldn't make it.  I also knew that my daughter was on the other side of the door and if I couldn't get it locked behind me on time I would be putting her in jeopardy.  My husband had just closed the door behind him as he was pulling our dogs in so all I could think of ... I kid you not was Cesar Milan "The Dog Whisperer"...and I turned as not to have any eye contact and did not move...I kept thinking I don't want them to think I want to be the Alpha dog.  They ran up to me and started barking....and then got distracted by another sound and ran towards that.  Ironically, I was walking to my neighbors house to let her know her dogs were loose when they saw me...

This all happened in less then 10 seconds I think but boy did it feel much longer.  My husband said that as he was closing the door he heard them coming ... seriously...it was that fast.  I am fine. Not a scratch on me.  I got such an "Aha" moment from it though because after dropping off my daughter in school this morning I came home and just layed on the sofa ... I think I actually fell asleep and then I went grocery shopping and bought donuts (BOGO of course) but seriously I don't do that.....My "Aha" moment...sitting in the car as I opened my donut box ... I go into automatic pilot when I am stressed...

At the moment of stress I think very clearly and do what I need to do ... I in less then a few seconds looked at many options even jumping into the car (my husband had heard the dogs and grabbed the car keys and unlocked the cars with the button and yelled car...get in the car...but again the distance was too far...so many options in seconds...I wasn't scared just had so many thoughts go through me quickly.  AFTER the fact...I got scared at the realization that I could have been attacked by not one but 2 Pit Bulls and that I could have had my family in jeopardy as well...when I started to feel scared...I closed my eyes...then I went and bought donuts....just gave me something to think about...

And did I mention it is drizzling today?

1 comment:

lisa said...

That's scary! I'm kinda afraid of Pit Bulls so I probably would of panicked. The Dog Whisperer looks like a really good show.