Sunday, October 10, 2010

Sunday Sharing: We should be {Frugal} with our Money but Never with our Hearts, Our Love or our Compassion for Others featuring the American Heart Association Walk

This week on Sunday Sharing I want to introduce you to a friend, Tom Savoie.  Tom could be your neighbor, your friend, your son, your husband, your father.  He is a loving father with 2 beautiful young girls....and a loving husband to an amazing woman.   

Let me let Tom tell you about his cause and why he wants to help others:

At age 39 the last thing on my mind was having a heart attack.  But on April 23, 2007, I found myself in the emergency room triage with the nurse telling me that I was having a heart attack and they would me rushing me back to the cath lab for an angioplasty

I ended up having one complete blockage on the right side of my heart.  They placed a bare metal stent in that artery.  They say there is no such thing as a small heart attack, but I was very lucky that there was no damage to my heart muscle.  I was fortunate to get put into a Cardiac Rehab program, but at the time I was the youngest person in there.  I learned alot from the older people in the program and they learned from me that a heart attack can happen at anytime in life, it's just not an old person's disease. 

Last year I was able to participate with the Cardiac Rehab group in the American Heart Association Heart Walk.  I raised $500 toward research on heart disease.  I am walking with the group again this year and my goal is to raise $1000.  Please consider donating at the following website And remember heart disease can happen to anyone at anytime in their life.

Thank you,
Tom Savoie

Tom is walking for us all.  He is walking to raise funds for the American Heart Association to help further education and research about Heart Disease.  When I stayed at the Ronald McDonald House in New Jersey while waiting for my daughter to receive her liver transplant I met babies with heart disease....yes...babies.  I also met mother's who were living at the Ronald McDonald House awaiting to give birth because they knew their child would be born with heart problems and would require immediate surgery.  Heart disease affects so many....just like liver affects us all.  I am so proud of Tom for literally walking the walk and helping others through the American Heart Association walk, others who may not even know at this moment that they will need his help.

Please consider helping Tom reach his goal as to benefit the American Heart Association...simply click HERE.

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