Monday, August 16, 2010

Growing Pains...{My Ramblings}

I am feeling so much better today but I am in slow motion...still kinda sleepy.  You see I snuck into my daughters room last night .. okay early {early} this morning around 3 and just gave her tons of kisses.  I couldn't stop kissing that beautiful, innocent face.  I finally grabbed her and put her in bed with me and my hubby...yup...she is like a linebacker taking down all opponents when sharing a bed so she kept us awake most of the morning.  I know my husband probably thought she had a nightmare and that was why she was in bed with us ... in fact she was in bed with us because I have {growing pains}.

We went to her best girlfriends birthday party and Savvy had a blast!  A pink princess pool party...seriously...the kid was loving life.  Then she experienced the opening of the gifts and that was pretty hard on her.  She didn't understand why she couldn't "help" in opening the gifts and then when another little girl took the gift she brought for her best girl friend from her hand ... well...3 year old melt down...I removed her and went into a bedroom and talked to her...I know she needs to learn that not all birthday parties are about "her" but she is 3 and those are part of our {growing pains}...she left the party with a big smile holding a princess balloon and cake and she was BEYOND excited to tell her Papi all about it...the tears were forgotten before we hit our front door.  Me...well...I am a dork and I want my girl to stay innocent forever...but I have been told...{by the other little voice in my head} that she needs to grow up....oh....I made it through liver how will I make it through normal growing pains?

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